Casting Light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging

A dazzling collection of short, engaging writings on the hype, controversies, promises, and excitement generated by imaging the human brain. Great read for both neophytes and experts.” – Marco Iacoboni, Author, Mirroring People; Professor, UCLA

With the advent of advanced brain-imaging technologies, psychologists are finally in a position to understand the neural underpinnings of mind and behavior. Raz and Thibault cover the fads and fallacies and pitfalls while still celebrating the achievements, and potential, of neuroscience.” – John F. Kihlstrom, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

Key Features

  • Challenges the tendency toward neuro-reductionism
  • Deconstructs hype through a critical yet constructive lens
  • Unveils the nature of brain imaging data
  • Explores emerging brain technologies and future directions
  • Features a non-technical and accessible writing style


  • Students in brain related fields, researchers and clinicians who draw on findings from brain imaging research, and neuro-enthusiasts in general.